Emem and Ikechi

Season 18

Ikechi, 41

Having met the experts in Houston in 2020, Ikechi hopes Married At First Sight can find his soul mate this time around. The fact that his career prospects led him to Chicago at this particular time feels kismet. He’s done the work to figure out who he is and what he wants, and though he’s had some long- term relationships and dated some amazing women, the connection was never quite there. He looks forward to finding his true love in this process and feels he’s been ready for marriage with the woman he’s meant to be with for quite some time.

Emem, 34

Now that she has established herself professionally and found her voice, Emem is ready to find a partner and start the next chapter of her life. She is not interested in wasting time dating around. Married At First Sight is an opportunity she’s unwilling to pass up. As an open-minded person, Emem feels this experiment could be the perfect fit.